Dear Kiltie Fans and Friends!
Mad Plaid Brass is looking for experienced horn players to join our ensemble.
MAD PLAID BRASS is a sit-down Concert Bugle Corps, featuring an assortment of both Kiltie and contemporary charts. Music stands will always be welcome. We will parade on a flatbed trailer and also play some sitting concerts.
The expected time commitment is minimal, but the opportunity for fun is unlimited. From November through April we usually hold two three hour rehearsals per month. From May through August, expect that there will be a performance or a three hour rehearsal every other week.
Rehearsals will be on the 1st and 3rd Saturday each month, 1:30PM to 4:30PM at Racine Eagles Club, 319 Hamilton St, Racine, WI.
Stop by and play some music with old friends or just come to watch.
You might want to bring:
• Music stand
• A friend or two
• We can provide you with a horn.
See you there!
If you have questions or would like to join us.
Call Rich Hinderholtz at 262 347-6636 for more information.
or call our hotline at
Join MadPlaid on FaceBook
The Mad Plaid Schedule
(as of 3/1/2024)
Rehearsal location:
Racine Eagles Club
319 Hamilton Street
Racine, WI 53402
Doors open: 1:00
Rehearsals time: 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
(All events on Saturday, unless otherwise indicated. As we move through the year a rehearsal could become a performance)
January . . . 6 - Rehearsal
January . . . 20 - Rehearsal
February . . 9 - Rehearsal
February . . 23 - Rehearsal
March . . . . 4 - Rehearsal
March . . . . 18 - Rehearsal
March . . . . 30 - Rehearsal (Tentative)
April . . . . . 4 - Rehearsal
April . . . . . 20 - Rehearsal
May . . . . . . 4 - Rehearsal
May . . . . . . 18 - Rehearsal
June . . . . . 1 - Rehearsal
June . . . . . 15 - Rehearsal
June . . . . . . 30 - Tentative Kenosha Civic Veterans Parade
July . . . . . . 4 - Tentative Racine 4th of July Parade
July . . . . . . 20 - Tentative Kiltie Reunion
July . . . . . . 27 - Tentative South Milwaukee Heritage Parade
August . . . . 3 - Rehearsal
August . . . . 17 - Rehearsal
September . . Date to be determined Beer Garden performance Kenosha
September . . 14 - Elk Grove Village Hometown Parade
September . . 21 - Rehearsal
October . . . . . 7 - Rehearsal Prepare for Holiday Season
October . . . . 21 - Rehearsal
November . . . 4 - Rehearsal/Concert TBD
November . . . 18 - Rehearsal/Concert TBD
December . . . 2 - Rehearsal/Concert TBD
December . . . 16 - Rehearsal/Concert TBD
Join Mad Plaid on FaceBook
Despite assembling an enthusiastic and talented staff for the 2018 and 2019 seasons, the Kilties Drum & Bugle Corps were unsuccessful in fielding a corps due to a lack of membership. At that time, the Kilties Board of Directors made the difficult decision to only focus on Mad Plaid Brass, and grow our presence in the community by providing support to various performing arts based organizations. Since then, the Kilties have provided sponsorship in various ways for such organizations as:
Help the Kilties support performing arts based organizations and attend 2022 Great Lakes Brew Fest September 10th 2022, at Celebration Place, on Kenosha’s lake front.
See you there!
We Winna Be Dauntit! - Book The History of the Racine Kilties 1934 - 1992 The Junior Kilties 727 pages of statistics, pictures and stories. Remembering each year and a roster of who marched. By George Fennell
Kilties Hotline:
(262) 634-2100
Kilties Drum and Bugle Corps
PO Box 085235
Racine, WI 53408
or call the Kilties Hotline at (262) 634-2100